Sunday, July 31, 2005

Alright, in lieu of my other activities...

I will take a few minutes to blog. It has been quite a while and I have realized that I have at least one person still checking this thing; to whom I wish to query: Why? Why is my inconsequential blog a source of intrigue to you? and to follow that chain of thought... Who still seeks updates from an introspective guy that seemingly lives a quiet unremarkable life? I guess all those questions could be answered, but to what avail?

I guess the dual promptings coming from some faceless alias have prompted me into an inquisitive dispersal of thoughts. Naturally when this happens for me I reflect on what could possibly be out there that would become noteworthy on second passing... which of my nonverbal thoughts have graced the stage of my mind enough to entertain a few moments in immortalizing ink?

I suppose I could answer my question here with a thought or two about progression and perfection... both on the same trail but at different ends of the spectrum.

I have, in many ways, seen the downfalls of my own character and grieve them more than people know. I have recently begun to see so much that I have unresolved in my life at this point to the vector of several points of possible improvement and refinement. There are some things that are just habits in need of change. Other possibilities are those of thought and action; the discrepancy between the two being the driving force in my internal conflicts. At least this much I can decipher from my inner reflections. If only I could allow my testimony to flourish more fully through my outward acts, both in public and in private, I would become a better person and more purely unified in concordance with my spiritual yearnings to find the correct and bright way and to stay there.

In general I feel that I am headed in the right direction with the exception of the multiplicity of detours I embark upon. I get to the point all too often of seeing the way that things are going and realizing I need to look to my Reference for guidance and directions to the right way. It is true that many, if not all, of these detours are harmful if not hurtful to my progression in some way. Yet as a small child with curiosity, I seem to fall for the same guise time after time but only because it is called by a different name. It is said that a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet... and I have discovered the same to be of sorrow; by any other name a sin may confront you, it still leads to the sorrow that comes of distance from the Father.

In the quiet moments alone I seem to contemplate exactly where I stand in relation to where I wish to be. It’s in those moments that I find how close I really am to the right path, in those still moments I can see if I’m going in the right direction and how fast I’m getting there. Perfection is a funny and elusive thing at times. You are told over and over by your leaders that it is attainable and yet then we are also told it may take our entire lives moving in the right path and then some after this life to finally obtain such status.

Although there are setbacks in life there are also accomplishments, mile markers of things gone Right and things that are going to turn out better than expected. These are the moments I generally live in as long as I can. I recognize that when things are prosperous I should revel in them and take gratitude in my communications for the blessings that those moments are. Well.. this seems to become a circular thought to me at the moment because the night is drawing late. Perhaps now that I have an active audience my thoughts will find vehicle to print more readily. Congratulations to you Mystery poster. In time I would like to decipher to whom I owe the thanks for such motivation… if permissible.
Until such a time we shall see where the Pensieve will take us… reflecting or speculating, each could become quite a pallet of intrigue.

*The Wandering Shepherd