Monday, March 28, 2005

Things happen

Well, to make a long story short, time often seems to work against me. As I take the time to contemplate the things that are on my mind I realize my scholastic life is slamming me with deadlines and latework which only cheapens the grade I get out the said classes. If time were more controllable, or perhaps if I were better at prioritizing my weeks... who knows. I just know that I feel it's almost more important to spend some quality time with the friends and homework seems to get in the way. That is one reason the summer will be a nice change of pace, but I still feel the need to reform my dicipline in the homework wars.

Tonight is going to be busy trying to finish up all sorts of homeworks and lab work.. yet all I want to really do is chill with the guys. Is it so hard to believe I could actually get both done?
It is easier said than done... but perhaps Im in need of an overhaul of my procrastination and get on top of things so I can do what I want to when I want to. Well back to the paper.. stupid homework..

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