Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Whispers of a past and a future with friends...

It never ceases to amaze me how much I have in common with how I grew up and how my friends grew up. Yet, on the other hand it still surprise me how much we've had different experiences. I've not had to "deal with" certain issues for as long as some have and I know that I still feel like I have a lot of the same challenges today. There are a lot of things I still don't fully understand about my life in general and my deepest thoughts... And still I continue to discover what I think when I talk to friends .. albeit at 4 am at times.

I see how much of my time I have passed in the last three years dealing with self-definition and exploration; and at the same time having to come to grips with reality. When I say reality it encompasses more than what is actually there in the obvious daylight. I mean the relative realities we all create in our minds.. the reality where we believe this is all some kind of joke on us and when we are not in eh room people aren't people at all, they just don't exist until they play another role in our life. In one scene and out till the next act... Like some Shakespearean play or movie. In the movies you generally follow the main character the whole time. you see what they do and how they interact with others .. Yet those others kind of don't exist except for the parts they have scripted to be shown.

A reality of how you wish or believe things to be. that is another one I have thought of.. are things just the way they are because I think they should be that way? Do my thoughts have that much control? Am I here to determine what is real to me... or is reality something we discover that is constant in spite of our ever changing places in it while the masses shift around a pivotal truth?

perhaps this isn't well thought out for an entry but it is almost 5am .. And I haven't slept yet.

1 comment:

Jokey Smurf said...

See, that's something I like about you. You're so deep. Keep it up, my friend.